Monday, June 18, 2012

Reader's Digest: Book Review

I recently finished reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  The author resolves to change a few things every month, focusing on a particular theme.  At the end of the year, she evaluates her changes and whether or not they have made her life happier. I have to say I got a lot out of it.  I love the idea of taking steps everyday to be sure you are making the most of your time with your family, your friends, your community. 

The author resolves to change a few things every month, focusing on a particular theme.  At the end of the year, she evaluates her changes and whether or not they have made her life happier.   Though I don't believe contentment or joy should come from circumstances- I do believe that what we do with our time can make a difference to how much we enjoy and appreciate our lives.

I got quite a few great ideas from the book, and I plan to be sharing all that I'm implementing in my household and how it's working for me.

For summer, I have a few neighborhood projects that I think will be particularly relevant to share about here.  One called Frontyard stay tuned.

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